Even with the best network, finding targets fitting your investment criteria or finding off market opportunities is never easy. Developing multiple strategies is key to identify the right ones, where you’ll have a key advantage on the competition.
Leveraging on reliable third parties is key to widen the number of opportunities.
Our large network enables us to find targets in nearly all sectors, geographies, development stages or investment types.
Our philosophy is to be direct, and we specialise in off market opportunities.

From early stage up to mid-market M&A transactions, we help you find investors to support your development or the sale of your company, thanks to our international and sector agnostic network of professional investors only: VC, Funds, Family Offices.
We work hand in hand with you to present your story towards the investor’s community and support you along the different steps up to completion, from your first slide deck until the setting-up of a data room.
When necessary, we work with our experts to secure all aspects of the transaction (lawyers, accountants, auditors,
We only look at companies already generating revenues.